
Don’t be overwhelmed! There’s hope and a way out…

Tried and true steps you can take to successfully mitigate toxic pollution. We have a Mentorship Program plus strategies and products.


The dangers

There’s a huge public health crisis looming from one particular threat, exposure to Microwave Radiation. Numerous cell towers emanating toxic signals to your cell phone, SMART devices and WiFi. Over 20,000 peer reviewed studies cite potential devastating health negative health consequences, in addition to brain tumors, genetic damage and other exposure related conditions. There’s an ongoing threat to privacy with the implementation of facial recognition and digital identity.

The facts

The Big Tech industry pretends propaganda is science! When you take a closer look at its bias to further their own ends. In truth, the scientific facts tell a very different story beyond corporate PROFITS. We have numerous studies and Proof Points on our RESEARCH tab in the Navigation Bar.


Solutions are lawful and achievable. There have been many successful strategies applied by numerous cities and towns across America. We The People have awakened through grassroots efforts to mitigate the invisible toxic dangers deployed by Big Tech across our land and planet. Becoming educated and proactive will activate solutions. We offer training with Mentorship Programs by our esteemed speakers.

our solutions

Taking the next step

Stopping the proliferation of this invasive and unsafe technology in your community is the first step. Review our videos to learn about effective, lawful approaches, products and services to mitigate the unseen dangers of invisible microwave radiation and protect your body and home in affordable and practical ways.


Aires Technology

EMF protection in your hands that doesn’t interfere with your technology. 

Lambs apparel

Lambs creates clothing that blocks 99% of UV and wireless radiation and supports your wellbeing.

EMF Consulting & Orgone Devices for EMF Protection

In-depth assessments of home or business level of wireless electromagnetic radiation.

Grassroots Solutions 

Vivian Lockary is a founding board member for Idahoans for Safe Technology.  

This interview introduces you to ‘The Power of local Protective Ordinances’. She shares successful strategies for working effectively on a local level, in addition to Dalton’s Gardens’ success in protecting their city.  

 Idahoans for Safe Technology are raising the alarm about the dangerous radiofrequency radiation emitted from cell towers. Including Wifi which is harmful to children, adults and the bees that pollinate our gardens and trees. Cell towers are being placed in our neighborhoods, next to our homes, schools, libraries, parks, farmland, and highways without taking health or invisible, toxic environmental pollution into consideration.  

Idahoans for Safe Technology are advocating for Smart Planning & Zoning provisions that will enable wireless phone & texting coverage for all Idahoans, while minimizing the number of cell towers and/or personal wireless service facilities.  

Vivian Lockary:  


“Our State Constitution is an essential piece of knowledge that we function on day to day.” Quote by Affidavit Mommas 

The Affidavit Mommas is a group of Moms and Grandmas that want to help others learn the Constitution, so you have the power to know how to shape your government. 

Affidavit Mommas have worked tirelessly to show grassroots organizations how to utilize any state’s Constitution along with the US Constitution and Maxims of Law to develop Legal Notices and Affidavits, which represent The People’s voice. They have successfully developed thousands of ‘Legal Notices/Affidavits’ for use in school districts, airline industry, medical facilities and county government agencies.  

Deborah Boehm and Rosemary Spaulding, Founders of Affidavit Mommas, discuss the development and use of local Legal Notices and Affidavits for the mitigation of microwave radiation. Legal Notices and Affidavits are used as a tool to educate City Council members about their ‘Oath of Office, and what the council can do to ‘fix’ the current community cell tower situation.   

Contact: [email protected]  

Personal/Home solutions 

In this 3-part series Katharine addresses how electromagnetic sensitivity is a harmful condition, how it is developed, how to decrease your daily exposure to electromagnetic frequencies, and the right nutrition to detox your body from this radiation, regaining your health. Katharine in a RN Holistic Health Coach. She has been, helping patients for over 40 years. She too struggles with chronic illness and share the lifestyle steps she took to get healthy Katharine Clark, RN, CHHC Intentional Longevity Specialist Katharine Clark, RN, author of Fly Healthy, The Jetsetter Health Handbook. This book is a holistic guide to mitigating the negative health impact of air travel so you arrive healthy and happy.

I can send you one with a personal inscription, postage paid in the US for $10. You can also find it on Fly Healthy, The Only Way to Fly! 

Contact: [email protected]  

Free E-book


Everyone today is unknowingly swimming in an unseen sea of electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic frequencies produced by cell rowers. Our e-book will equip you with the top 10 problems with 5G and their cure. Click the button below to download. 

Images of the EMF spectrum (click for source)

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