
Learn the real science not the propaganda.

Knowledge empowers everyone to activate for change. 


The dangers

There’s a huge public health crisis looming from one particular threat, exposure to Microwave Radiation. Numerous cell towers emanating toxic signals to your cell phone, SMART devices and WiFi. Over 20,000 peer reviewed studies cite potential devastating health negative health consequences, in addition to brain tumors, genetic damage and other exposure related conditions. There’s an ongoing threat to privacy with the implementation of facial recognition and digital identity.

The facts

The Big Tech industry pretends propaganda is science! When you take a closer look at its bias to further their own ends. In truth, the scientific facts tell a very different story beyond corporate PROFITS. We have numerous studies and Proof Points on our RESEARCH tab in the Navigation Bar.


Solutions are lawful and achievable. There have been many successful strategies applied by numerous cities and towns across America. We The People have awakened through grassroots efforts to mitigate the invisible toxic dangers deployed by Big Tech across our land and planet. Becoming educated and proactive will activate solutions. We offer training with Mentorship Programs by our esteemed speakers.

our research

What we cover

Zapped Films has compiled scientific research to more support claims on this site. We have created thought provoking interviews with experts in numerous videos to inspire and empower you. Our goal is to support those who care to take charge to ensure health, safety, and privacy. The dangerous technological deployment of 5G/microwave radiation are unsafe technologies that can be stopped though local public action. Our exhaustive research is compiled for national and global institutions held in high regard.


Experts discuss the dangers 

Dr. Russ Witte is uniquely qualitied to present on the Real Dangers of Toxic 5G (4G, 3G and all other Gs) Microwave Radiation Pollution. He is a nationally recognized expert who is greatly sought after for consultations and seminar presentations.

In this video Dr. Russ Witte discusses the public safety, privacy, security problems and property value devaluation associated with the proliferation of Cell Towers/sWTF (Wireless Telecommunication Facilities) emitting toxic levels of Microwave Radiation.

He refers to over 20,000 peer reviewed and government studies which cite the health, safety, and privacy dangers/damages connected with Microwave Radiation exposure. Many of these studies were conducted by US governmental agencies including the US Department of Health and Human Resources (the National Toxicology Program study), CIA, US Navy, NASA, EPA, in addition to the WHO and a plethora of other international organizations.

Because of the well documented health dangers/damages connected to Microwave Radiation exposure, both Russia and China are 100 times more stringent in the levels they allow they populations to be exposed to!

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Paul G is a successful citizen expert in measuring and mitigating microwave radiation. He has figured out how BIG TECH uses ‘dirty tricks,’ through deceptive marketing, lies and industry propaganda.  His thorough commitment to due diligence has determined there are hidden facts, evidence and truth stated in existing laws. He has dedicated the past 9 years to learning about the harm generated by toxic microwave radiation and its application in all technology, he has figured out and implemented very effective solutions. He is tirelessly dedicated to work with local citizen grassroots organizations in California and throughout the entire United States in which has been very successful. He has created a wealth of tried-and-true strategies for effective public citizen action.  

Paul G.  

Downloadable Research

The Real Science on how microwave radiation damages cellular health in all humans, pets, and all living things including our natural environment plus flora and fauna harming insects, birds and animals.

Click the icons below to download the research paper.  

Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation Exposures

Wifi emissions research

Peer-reviewed research on 4G-5G microwave radiation

Biological impact of microwave radiation levels 

Successful community protective ordinance sample

increase in tumors

NTP studies found that high exposure to RFR (900 MHz) used by cell phones was associated with heart, brain, and adrenal gland tumors in rats. 


Increase in Cancer

Researchers with the renowned Ramazzini Institute (RI) in Italy announce that a large-scale lifetime study of lab animals exposed to environmental levels of cell tower radiation developed cancer.


Toxic radiation alert!

Do you know that Microwave Radiation Pollution is DAMAGING your HEALTH, your Childrens’ Health, your Pets’ Health and your Environment too?


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