
Information is not enough, we need activation. 

Information alone does not change behavior, thus our Zapped Films Mentorship Program designed for grassroots activation in any city or town where you live. 

About US

The dangers

There’s a huge public health crisis looming from one particular threat, exposure to Microwave Radiation. Numerous cell towers emanating toxic signals to your cell phone, SMART devices and WiFi. Over 20,000 peer reviewed studies cite potential devastating health negative health consequences, in addition to brain tumors, genetic damage and other exposure related conditions. There’s an ongoing threat to privacy with the implementation of facial recognition and digital identity.

The facts

The Big Tech industry pretends propaganda is science! When you take a closer look at its bias to further their own ends. In truth, the scientific facts tell a very different story beyond corporate PROFITS. We have numerous studies and Proof Points on our RESEARCH tab in the Navigation Bar.


Solutions are lawful and achievable. There have been many successful strategies applied by numerous cities and towns across America. We The People have awakened through grassroots efforts to mitigate the invisible toxic dangers deployed by Big Tech across our land and planet. Becoming educated and proactive will activate solutions. We offer training with Mentorship Programs by our esteemed speakers.


Our Program

This Mentoring training program is tailored to provide successful strategies coupled with personal coaching for local implementation, inspiring grassroots action!

Mentorship Information

Many activist groups throughout the USA and the entire Planet have tried many approaches and have not been successful. Mentorship Training prevents you from wasting time going down the wrong rabbit hole. There is no time to waste with an ineffective approach. Our Mentors have successful, lawful solutions. That’s been proven to work.

Remember ‘they’ (elected public officials) work for us and NOT the other way around.

This is why we created a ‘Mentorship Program’ with our top presenters showcased on Zapped Films videos. We cannot guarantee results. What we do know from personal experience is that ‘BIG TECH’ Telecommunication propaganda and advertising in Media deceives our public officials and City Councils. They tend to believe the ‘Tech Industry’ over the people who are losing their privacy, health and property values.

Remember DDT, TOBACCO… plus numerous pharmaceutical drugs were taken off the market…when the truth was told and accepted. Through ‘We the People’ collective efforts, the Government was forced to step up and do the right thing AFTER the DAMAGE was done!

It’s the same with TOXIC POLLUTION from microwave radiation/5G today. It’s the same playbook impacting ALL living things on a grander global scale!

Who suffers? ‘We the People’. Our Mentorship Courses are designed to help you take action in your local community so we can gather with our collective voices being heard.

 In our extensive RESEARCH TAB, we have included numerous landmark court cases and legal rulings in Federal and circuit courts AGAINST Telecommunication Industry deception. We also have Senator Blumenthal’s video of BIG TECH admitting on camera LIVE in Congress that VERIZON, ATT, T-MOBILE and SPRINT had not 1 safety Study. We’ve found hundred of studies from our own Governments regulatory agencies included in our PROOF POINTS under our RESEARCH page.

Zapped Films provides low-cost, top-notch people to support your local challenges, which will help guide you and your team efficiently to attain more local success. A key to success is to work with your CITY PLANNERS/ZONING departments who educate the City Council members.

For more information on pricing and scheduling, contact [email protected]

Link between Cell phones and tumors

Evidence has been found linking cellular phone use to increased tumor risk. Based on our meta-analysis, 1,000 or more hours of cell phone use, or about 17 minutes per day over 10 years, was associated with a statistically significant 60% increase in brain tumor risk. (Source

EMF danger to environment

RF radiation emissions from wireless sources are a potent environmental risk and have dramatically altered the electromagnetic environment on Earth. RF radiation has been shown to produce damaging effects on wildlife, including biological damage in trees, navigation disruption in birds, and a decline in the colony strength and egg-laying rates of bees. (Source

EMF possible human carcinogen

The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified microwave radiation from all wireless devices as a possible human carcinogen in 2011. In 2016, the U.S. National Toxicology Program released results of the world’s largest, gold-standard study on wireless health risks (conducted on rats, which are the preferred animal model for studies of carcinogenicity in humans), finding cancer in 5.5 percent of the exposed group and no cancer in the control group. (Source

Support & Guidance

Connect with us for upcoming class details. 


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