About Us

Microwave Radiation is real & is toxic affecting your body, home, and pets too.

Responsibility serving local, national in all of mother earth’s living things.

About US

Founded 2023

Welcome to Zapped Films…

We are passionate, concerned citizens & creatives committed to positive change in our world. Zapped Films provides grassroots education & resources from academia to science.

Our style is sincere, caring, educative, and fun. Our hope is that you will be prompted to explore the copious research we’ve provided here and become a part of the movement to transform our digital ecosystem for it’s—and our—highest good!


What We Do

The dangers

There’s a huge public health crisis looming from one particular threat, exposure to Microwave Radiation. Numerous cell towers emanating toxic signals to your cell phone, SMART devices and WiFi. Over 20,000 peer reviewed studies cite potential devastating health negative health consequences, in addition to brain tumors, genetic damage and other exposure related conditions. There’s an ongoing threat to privacy with the implementation of facial recognition and digital identity.

The facts

The Big Tech industry pretends propaganda is science! When you take a closer look at its bias to further their own ends. In truth, the scientific facts tell a very different story beyond corporate PROFITS. We have numerous studies and Proof Points on our RESEARCH tab in the Navigation Bar.


Solutions are lawful and achievable. There have been many successful strategies applied by numerous cities and towns across America. We The People have awakened through grassroots efforts to mitigate the invisible toxic dangers deployed by Big Tech across our land and planet. Becoming educated and proactive will activate solutions. We offer training with Mentorship Programs by our esteemed speakers.

We have a responsibility for our technological legacy.

Serving Your Area


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